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Importance of UV Protection Year Round

Many people wear sunglasses during the summer because the sun is more out. The sun is hot and bright, and sunglasses help protect your vision. Also, sunglasses are a great accessory. What you may not know is that you should wear sunglasses in the winter as well.  Without that protection, you are prone to skin and eye damage, sometimes vision loss. Our optometrist at Vision Source Castle Hills in San Antonio can provide the necessary eye care like prescribing UV sunglasses or transitions to protect your eyes from the sun. Here are a few reasons that you should wear sunglasses all year long.

Prevent Sunburns on Your Eyes

The sun's harmful UV rays are just as strong during the winter than in the summer. The skin around your eyes is delicate and especially prone to sunburn. If you wear sunglasses outdoors during the winter, you will protect them from the damaging UV rays.

Reduce Your Risk of Cataracts

Cataracts is a condition where your eye's natural lens becomes cloudy. As the condition progresses, it can seriously affect your vision. The sun's harmful UV rays can increase your risk of developing cataracts. Our eye doctor can manage any cataracts that you may have gotten due to the harmful sun rays.

Reduce Your Risk of Developing Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a serious condition of the eye that often occurs around the age of 50, and it can cause permanent blindness. Excessive UV exposure can increase your risk of developing macular degeneration. Make when you go outside, you wear sunglasses to prevent or slow down macular degeneration.

Reduce Your Risk of Pterygium Development 

Pterygium is a benign growth on the surface of the eye. They can affect your vision, and in some cases, they need to be surgically removed. These growths often occur after excessive exposure to the sun. Since the sun's UV rays are harmful during both summer and winter, you should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Protect Your Eyes from UV Damage

By wearing sunglasses, you can protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays. The sun's UV rays can cause these issues happen all year round. Our eye doctor can prescribe a pair of glasses to help prevent glares and photokeratitis, as well as to reduce the chance of getting eye diseases. Whether you need single vision lenses or transitions, we can help. Our San Antonio optometrist can get you a pair of prescription sunglasses to ensure the health of your eyes and the surrounding skin all year long. Regular eye care is essential for the health of your eyes. 

To ensure the health of your eyes, you should schedule an appointment with Vision Source Castle Hills in San Antonio at 210-344-1400. Our optometrists can perform a vision exam to ensure the health of your eyes.