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When Should My Child Get an Eye Exam?

When Should My Child Get an Eye Exam?

Your family should enjoy the services of a family eye care doctor who has experience working with adults and children. At Vision Source Castle Hills in San Antonio, we provide full-service eye and vision care for children in a friendly, comfortable, and professional setting.

Schedule Your Child's Vision Screenings


Your newborn’s eyes should be checked for basic eye health. This may include testing blinking and pupil responses and a “red reflex” test. A more comprehensive examination can be considered if the birth was premature, there is a family history of childhood eye conditions, or your child is exhibiting signs of eye disease.

6 to 12 months

It is time to schedule a second screening at the age of 6 to 12 months.

12 to 36 Months

Healthy eye development is checked between 12 and 36 months. This is done to help detect problems that can lead to amblyopia or “lazy eye”.

3 to 5 Years

Eye alignment and vision should be checked around 3 and 5 years of age, looking for amblyopia, misaligned eyes, refractive errors/other focusing issues, and visual acuity testing. Early treatment of these conditions is one of the most essential things you can do to protect your child's vision!

5 Years and Older

At five, your child should be screened for visual acuity and alignment. Schedule an annual exam for children who use eyeglasses or contacts. When there is no need for vision correction, school-aged children should have an eye exam at least every two years.

Schedule Your Child's Eye Exam at Vision Source Castle Hills, in San Antonio

If it has been a while since your child has received an eye exam, contact our team at Vision Source Castle Hills. The eye exams they perform at schools are very basic and not designed to detect the various eye health concerns that can affect children. Call us today at (210) 344-1400 to schedule an eye exam appointment for your child with Dr. Trevino.