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Glaucoma FAQs

Glaucoma is a very common eye condition, especially in individuals over the age of forty. At Vision Source Castle Hills, we have provided San Antonio residents with eye care services for many years. Following are the answers to several questions our eye doctor frequently receives regarding glaucoma.

Glaucoma FAQs

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma occurs when the ocular nerve is damaged, usually due to increased interocular pressure. If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss. Early symptoms of glaucoma can be difficult to notice. Schedule regular appointments with your eye doctor to ensure glaucoma is detected early.

What are the Different Types of Glaucoma?

There are three types of glaucoma:

  • Open-angle: This is the most common type and it occurs when something causes tear ducts to become blocked.
  • Acute angle: When something causes the iris of the eye to shift, it can cause pressure buildup within the eye.
  • Normal-tension: This happens when there is damage done to the optic nerve but the cause isn't due to increased interocular pressure.

How Is Glaucoma Treated?

Some patients are given eye drops that help reduce the pressure in their eyes. If the drops don't work, the eye doctor will create a new drainage channel with a laser procedure. Unfortunately, once the damage has been done to the optic nerve it can't be undone, so getting your eyes regularly checked and following up with any treatment the doctor prescribes is the best way to keep your vision.

Glaucoma Treatment in Castle Hills and San Antonio, TX

Call Vision Source Castle Hills today at (210) 341-5774 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor.